Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sometimes my husband is a better wife than I am...

So I have been sick with the stomach flu for the entire weekend (apparently it is worse for grown ups than it is for children, but at least I never missed the bucket) and my poor sweet hubby has had to assume my roles. And as usual he has shown me up. Aside from cleaning up after and caring for me, he has cleaned out the fridge, organized the cupboard, rearranged the cabinets, done three loads of dishes and put them away and done the grocery shopping. All the in the same time I would have had nothing done. Wow! It has really shown me how I could really knock some stuff out if I had his motivation. Unfortunately I am still sick and unable to chip in. I tried to go to the grocery store with him and got clammy and nausated just by getting dressed. I hope I get better soon, so I can repay him with some fabulous cooking and amazing homemaking this week!

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