Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bolder Giving

I usually skim the magazines in the checkout line. I saw a article in People this month about people who give 50% or more of their income and live on less. I didn't have time to read the whole article, so I googled it and found the website I am now linking to on my site.

I was raised to give. I still give, but I don't give until it hurts. I truly believe that this is what the Bible calls us to do. I am resolving to get right and start giving. One of my resolutions for the new year is to have at least one event each month where I and my children give to those less fortunate (January's will be to go through all of our closets and storage and find warm winter adult and children's clothes/jackets, and to take them to the local homeless shelters).

I think my out loud ruminations may be having an effect on the children, because yesterday Tristyn was outside of the church working on a "fairy house" and I heard her talking to her sister about making a pile of berries for the "homeless fairies". I did a little dance.

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