Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Why I love little junky things?

I want the ABC gingerbread men cookie cutters (already been chewed), the heart and daisy egg molds, the dino utensils for nephew, the salt and playtime shakers, the How to Keep your Husband apron, and the candle carver. I have always related to that Nancy Griffith song, where she wants to run into the 5 and Dime and fill up her basket with "unnecessary plastic objects).

1 gentle comments:

Nan said...

LOL!! I'll join you in the joy of junk we don't really need but love to collect!! Those "ABC" ginger bread cookie cutters are so funny ad adorable!! Now look at what you've done!! You made me want them too!!!! That daisy egg shaper is so cute too, thanks for sharing the link! :)