Sunday, November 30, 2008

Quiet Day

I have decided to go on a tv fast for Advent. Maybe I'll even add a bloggy fast, since I am having a hard time (emotionally) right now when I read about other people's happy perfect lives. I am working hard on being content, but envy is creeping up on me all the time.

Today, we went to church and hardly anyone was there. I came home and went grocery shopping with hubby. On the way, as he is prone to do, he took me on a detour to buy new hampers for our laundry. Since the utility room is painted now (yesterday's project), he wanted new pretty hampers to go in there. I will post pics as soon as I get the trim touched up and the liners for the hampers finished.

Now I am settling down to read to the girls until choir time.

1 gentle comments:

Sarah R said...

Still praying for you, sweetie. Hope you're well. My life is never perfect so you can stop by anytime, lol.
Girl, you should see my floors right now. NOT PERFECT EVER.