Monday, November 12, 2007

I'm so excited!

I am starting on Christmas gifts. I am making this scarf for every woman on my list.
I just bought some of the yarn and already have four flowers finished. I am a fan of projects that don't require me to constantly check the pattern, so I can work in the car or while dh watches tv in the semidark.

Ds, dds and I all have the day off so we are going in search of the colors I couldn't find and to have a fun errand trip. We may head to the thrift store. It has been a while since I visited and there may be some cute new skirts for me or the girls (we need WARM skirts and leggings to wear under them), plus ds needs new jeans. No one can keep up with how fast he is growing. I can spend $20 there on what would easily cost me $100 in the cheapest store.

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