1. Refresh Your Spirit
Today I am finishing Ruth and reading Proverbs 14 (I try to read the Proverbs chapter that corresponds with the date each day). I was struck by one verse in Proverbs 14, v.23: All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. It is easy to blog about my life, but much harder to live it. I am sure Ruth didn't find her duties easy or pleasurable, but she did them. I need to do the same in my life. I find that I allow my physical maladies to excuse me from my duties on a regular basis. That is neither Godly nor wise.
2. Morning Routine
This currently consists of:
Making the bed...done
Doing the dishes...done
Doing the laundry...done
Wiping the kitchen and bathroom...done
Taking out the trash...done
Prepping dinner (usually defrosting meat)...done
3. Take Time to Plan
To Do Today
Meet Elizabeth at park to let her take girls for a playday...done
Babysit nephews all day long...doing
Get some paperwork done for church preschool...saving this for after babysitting
Clean bathrooms...saving this for after babysitting
4. What's on the Menu for Dinner
It was tacos, but I suggested switching Friday night's dinner to tonight and hubby agreed, so it is Breakfast! Yummy (the best part is he likes to cook breakfast so all I do is the prep work and the dishes!)!
5. Project for the Day
My main area and kitchen stay tidy as per daddies orders, but I will try to post before and after of the bathrooms when I get finished. Plus I have to vacuum since big bro is out of town (bathrooms and vacuuming are his chores normally for summer months)
10 months ago
1 gentle comments:
Sounds like a well planned day.
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