Monday, October 1, 2007

Dressing like a lady...

I have been making an effort to dress more femininely. Being a former "slob", this is a challenge. I know most modest dressers might object to knee length skirts. For me right now, I am ok with them, plus I find them easier to move around in when I am working with children or keeping house (I do wear bike shorts under them). I may change my mind about skirt length in the future.
Here is Friday's outfit- my favorite denim skirt and a floral top (with a tank underneath): We went shopping and to a movie. The shoes- red mary janes:
Saturday's outfit- my favorite skirt again and a white sweater with a tank underneath: We went to a soccer game and to stores to do returns. (Dd cut off my head)
The shoes- brown Mary Janes:

Sunday's outfit- floral skirt and cream crinkle shirt (with a tank underneath) plus same brown flats: We went to church and I cleaned a bit. I started off with my hair down, but this is after cleaning so I had it up in a ponytail. See the puppy?

Monday's outfit- brown plaid skirt, cream tee, brown cardigan, and same brown flats: I put together bookcases and cleaned the house a bit. I started the day with a ponytail. I knew I would be working in the attic and it gets hot there.

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