Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pregnancy update...

I went to the ob/gyn today. He wasn't thrilled that I want a vbac. He did make some good points and we will discuss it in the future. I am officially due on June 3rd, but I didn't get an ultrasound to date it or anything. He wants to wait until there will actually be something to see so I go back in 2 weeks. I just want to confirm that it is just one baby.

He did really encourage me not to get any prenatal tests done on the baby. I don't want to, but dh wants to know. I guess I am torn because I just want my husband to be happy about this and I know he won't be happy if I refuse tests. Of course he won't be happy if there is something wrong. I just feel put in a hard place. It wouldn't change the course of my pregnancy, because for me all children are a blessing, but my dh is not in the same place as me. I wonder if extra time to process it will help him adjust. I talked to my IRL friend about it and she said we will just pray that God will change my husband's heart. I guess that is my only choice. I think I have some time before it becomes a decision.

Other stuff...

I went to the thrift store yesterday and found a pretty Cato skirt and a really cute J.Jill jumper. The jumper is a little short, but I paired it with black cropped leggings today and I think it looks nice. I got a Size 20 Venezia denim skirt that I am going to try to modify to make a maternity skirt.

I'll post pics of the clothes and progress on my christening shawl (I had to frog almost the whole thing yesterday, but at least it is right this time...).

Lastly, I leave this quote:

But what else makes a godly woman?

A godly woman is (this is from my journal this week):

-Quick to listen, slow to speak, and when she does speak, it is words of wisdom, exhortation, and love.
-An eye and an ear for others, full of care and compassion
-Calm, peaceful, free of worry or stress, calming to others
-Still (she knows that He is God)
-Fruit bearing (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control)
-Never hurried--even when hurried! Serene, relaxed
-Flexible according to God's leading and promptings
-Puts other's plans, comforts, and desires first
-Modest in dress, behavior, and conversation
-Meek, humble, serving, and the first to ask forgiveness
-Biblical priorities are clear and in order
-Is home, focused on husband, children
-Has rest, trust, and faith in the Lord

Mrs. E.

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