Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Birthday

My birthday was Sunday. We went out on Saturday because that worked better for all of us. First, they all went off to give me some alone time, during which I cleaned and relaxed. The kids voted to take me to P.F. Chang's. There was a hour and a half wait when we got there, but some guy offered me his place on the waiting list because we had the same number in our parties, so we got in in less than 30 minutes. We had fun and I put my and the girls' hair up with our chopsticks during dinner (this is a new skill I have mastered which is very convenient for storing crochet hooks or pens).

Afterwards, we dropped the kids off with my mom and went to see Atonement, which was just so tragic I couldn't bear it. I cried on and off through the whole movie.

Sunday, they all woke me up with breakfast in bed (a tradition in our house). They gave me my gifts-- 2 sets of pajamas, a $50 gift card to Barnes and Nobles, a pink leather case for my Zune, a car charger/holder for my Zune, these two books:

and these boots:

Honestly, my hubby went overboard. I was blown away.

We went to church, then had to come back for Taylor's confirmation class. Then it was time for my gift from my mom-- She got me and the girls tickets to see Annie with her!! We went and picked her up and drove to the theatre. Tabby fell asleep shortly into the second act, but Tristie stayed awake almost all the way to the end. She just missed the arrest and finale. They loved it and I was so excited to share my love for the theatre with them.

When we dropped my mother off, she gave me a "small gift" (her words for "I can't stand to just give tickets so I got you something to open") from her and dad. It was the DVD Amazing Grace. I still have yet to watch it. I am saving it for a calm day when I can focus.

Anyhow, it was a great birthday and I felt very loved and appreciated. Taylor even picked up the dog poop for the day. That was a big wow!

1 gentle comments:

Nan said...

Happy Belated Birthday, it sounds like you had a nice one. I have been very far behind in my blog reading and I am just getting down the alphabetical list to the "L's" I skimmed through most of your more recent posts, I am sorry to hear you are having health symptoms, hopefully you will have answers soon.

I love all the lights from your post about your drive looking at them. The pictures turned out nice, and I liked the description, to know someone was singing at one home and you kept a tradition going, even if it got a new one to accompany it!