Monday, November 12, 2007

Halloween pics

Now you may not even realized that they were dressed up. They are Nancy Drew, Girl Detective. I had planned to make their outfit, but decided not to stress myself out. I found the tshirt, socks and skirt at Target. I had bought the Nancy Drew necklaces and purses at the bookstore (they came with books). The headband I finally found at Claire's. People kept asking them what they were going to dress up as. I had to step in and say, "They are dressed up." We did the church festival and trick or treated in a friend's neighborhood.

I know many Christians do not celebrate Halloween. However, it is dh's decision that we do. I educate my children on All Saint's Day (All Hallowed's Day) and that this is the eve'n before. It is clearly be a princess or make your own outfit if you don't want your daughter to look immodest.

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