Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Tay missed the bus and I had to get up to take him. Hubby urged me to go ahead while he waited with the girls so they wouldn't have to get out. I knew I needed gas, but I was hoping I could make it. Soooooooooooooo I end up about a mile from home in my pajamas, dead out of gas, with no cell phone. My husband is one of those people who imagines everyone is a responsible adult and won't do foolish things like driving around on empty to save money. I had to flag a passerby to borrow a phone to call my husband, who comes out in the rain with the girls and puts gas in my car only to find that my battery is dead. I turned my lights off as soon as the motorist stopped for me (I had my hazards on to aid in the flagging down bit) so I don't think the battery dying is my fault. He jumps my battery and follows me home, but clearly he is unhappy with me and perhaps with the world in general. We already fought on Sunday because he stepped in doggie poo while I was at church, which of course was my fault because I haven't signed the dog up for potty training classes, also due to a lack of money. I am just really flusterated (as my girls say). I do actually have some F.O.s to show, but I haven't the heart to upload them. Maybe after some caffeine and time...

1 gentle comments:

Nan said...

Oh Dear, you need a cyber hug, XOX

Now go to my blog and collect an award, I am nominating you for, since you have always had kind words for me. I hope things are going better. Hugs, Nan