Here is the head lamp I use to crochet with while watching tv. It is an LED light so it is plenty bright even when I am trying to crochet with black yarn. The actual light is tiltable so I can direct it onto the project exactly where I want it. It is by Energizer and I got it in Walmart for around $12. I prefer the ones that use regular batteries because we keep those around, but some use watch batteries. (Note: this is actually not my favorite. I have 2 and the girls had stolen my favorite, but I didn't realize until after the picture was uploaded. The one I prefer is very similar, but has a slide switch instead of a button switch.) I actually own 2 of these and ds owns 1 for reading in the car. I hope this works for you! The only pitfall is when someone speaks to you and you turn to look them in the eyes, you temporarily blind them. They get over it!
10 months ago
2 gentle comments:
Thank You so much! I know what you're talking about now! That is a really good idea, my poor afghan hasn't seen much action lately and here I thought it had the potential of becoming a gift for this season!! LOL!! At this pace, I'll be lucky to get it done before spring when I won't need it for the warmth it will provide any longer!
Thank you for voting for me in nannybird's contest! I should have two new bags up by the weekend..!!
Blessings on y'all from Canada.
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